Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book?

You can email us with details about your project.

Where are you located?

We are located in Las Vegas, NV. *Travel is available for special projects.

Do you do photo and video?

We do both photo and video content but depending on the complexity we cannot always do both during one shoot.

What is your turnaround time?

Turnaround time can vary depending on the project but an average turnaround time is 2-4 weeks. If you need a completed project by a certain deadline please tell us ahead of time.

How many photos do I get? How long will my video be?

This will vary depending on the goal for the project.

What is your “style”?

You will often see photographers and videographers refer to a certain color scheme or lighting as their style. As you can probably tell from my portfolio I don’t stick to just one style. I like to make stuff that looks good and just makes sense. A Tik Tok styled ad can have flashy transitions and upbeat music but that same style might not mesh well with a family video. I do like to go into each shoot with a creative direction so we can discuss this prior to shoot day.